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Re: date filtering of old messages

2003-01-22 13:33:08
On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, pierre wrote:

p> Hi all,
p> I'd like to filter messages in my inbox according to date, i.e.,
p> automatically delete messages that are older than a given number of days.

I have a generic bash script / procmail combination for removing old
messages from my mailboxes that I run with cron.

# run at 04:15 each day
15 4 * * *      $HOME/.procmail/admin.anybox IN.zzzz.spam 7

# run at 04:19 each day
19 4 * * *      $HOME/.procmail/admin.anybox IN.daemons 7

strips messages older than 7 days in the mailboxes in ~/mail/

They are a bit long to post but I can email them if you want to have a


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  email is welcome but may invoke a password autoresponder.  The current
  pass-through address is alan+1@  )

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