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Re: 'nuther msgid pattern?

2003-02-05 07:51:19
Don Hammond <throwaway-o6jBk1rMVBbF(_at_)tradersdata(_dot_)com>

I don't have a spam collection handy to run it through, but it did
match 4 legitimate messages out of just over 10,000.  They were notices
from sellers of ebay "wins", and the part after @ was in all
4 cases.

Which only means that eBay uses a mail agent that is oriented for bulk
sends.  Which I would expect.  It seems to confirm that the program
spewing this stuff is a commercial-class mailer used often by, among
others, spammers.  Btw, I conducted my first-ever eBay buys in the last
week, and I was annoyed that the eBay mail tripped various spam traps of
my own, which I then had to write around.  'Sokay, though -- all part of
the game.  I look, when that happens, for ways to tighten my noose
generally rather than exclude specific parties from the traps.

Sean, fleet didn't say "3 or 6."  He said at first five or four;
and then added, "as well as three and six."  (Paraphrasing.)  So
we need to worry about any of 3, 4, 5, or 6 of 'em.


is one way.


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