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Re: filter with two rulles

2003-02-19 14:23:33
At 15:26 2003-02-19 -0500, analista(_at_)model(_dot_)iag(_dot_)usp(_dot_)br 
:0 B

:0 HB

Neither of those have _condition lines.  You can make them separate recipes:

* other condition

* condition


* 9876543210^0 H ?? other condition
* 9876543210^0 B ?? other condition again
* 9876543210^0 B ?? condition

*OR* (easiest)

* 9876543210^0 other condition (which will run against HB because flags)
* 9876543210^0 B ?? condition

There are other ways as well. See the manpages for explanation of the syntax. Note that I've moved the HB conditions first - IF something matches in the headers, it'll have taken fewer cycles to do so.

BTW, the ".*\.*" expression in the second partial recipe you provided is "zero or more of anything" then "zero or more dots" (which themselves would have been matched by zero or more of anything).

Personally, I've adopted a policy of refusing all executable attachments - anyone needing to send me a program can ZIP the damn thing. That means that as recieved, it isn't executable, so the recipient would have to explicitly extract a file THEN execute it. This way, I don't have to fart around maintaining a list of bad executable names (besides, with recent viruses, they can be just about any name anyway, so what's the point?)

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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