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[OT UCSC] Re: delivery notification on client?

2003-04-11 14:56:36
On Fri, 11 Apr 2003, Tyler F. Creelan wrote:

John Rudd wrote:

X-UCSC-KZIN-MailScanner: Found to be clean
X-UCSC-KZIN-MailScanner-SpamCheck: not spam, SpamAssassin (score=-4.5,
      required 5, IN_REP_TO, SUBJ_ENDS_IN_Q_MARK)

Does this mean someone is running UCSC's outgoing mail through

It means they're running all their mail, inbound and outbound, through
MailScanner, which happens to have the SpamAssassin module installed.

They probably didn't _intend_ to scan the outbound mail, but there's no
way to tell.

Several people have been complaining on the SpamAssassin list because of
sites tagging outbound mail this way, particularly when the tagging is a
"false positive" (labeled spam when not) which goes to a mailing list.

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