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Mail from invalid users at my local dynamic DNS

2003-04-16 17:54:31

I've started getting spam in the form:

From: Bill(_at_)syth(_dot_)serveftp(_dot_)net

Now, is one of my dyndns domains and I know that there is no valid user on my machine named "Bill." there are only about 20 user accounts on this machine. I could, I suppose do a ls /Users > local.usernames and then check on that file, but this would mean manually updating the local.usernames file.

So, how can I get procmail to check tif the claimed from is valid?

Does it matter if I'm checking only LOCAL users or could i also check my actual remote mailserver?

How you have felt, o men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost made me forget who I was, such was the effect of the,; and yet they have hardly spoken a word of truth.

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