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Re: procmail and not-for-mail messaged

2003-05-19 11:41:30
At 18:21 2003-05-19 +0200, Udo Rader did say:
* ^TOgrsecurity(_at_)grsecurity(_dot_)net
| /usr/bin/mail2news -a spamtrash2(_at_)vibe(_dot_)ac -n grsecurity

What about BCC'd messages?  Some people BCC lists on occassion.

You should filter a list based on more list-specific criteria - such as "List-ID:", "Sender:", etc - the specific criteria depends upon the list, but if you check the message headers, you'll generally see several headers that will be there even when the list isn't identified as a recipient.

Is procmail ignoring messages with such a "not-for-mail" header and if
so, can it be forced to process them despite? And if not, any other

You need to run those messages through your filter with VERBOSE logging (and of course, a LOGFILE defined). Procmail could care less about a Path: header - it is just another message header (and, uhm, really shouldn't be on a mail message anyway - it is an NNTP header).

Run the messages with logging and then examine them. You could take the messages directly from the maildrop and throw them back at a test filter (with a test newsgroup specified in it, so you don't pollute the legit archive), to see why those specific messages failed to be filtered:

(copy the rcfile, and tweak it to use a LOCAL test newsgroup and perform logging)

formail -s procmail -m thatmodifiedrcfile < a_copy_of_the_mailspool

So long as the rcfile doesn't attempt explicit delivery anywhere for default actions, you should be able to run this directly against the mailspool - using a copy means that if you botch something up, you don't have it feeding itself new messages as it tacks new ones onto the end of the mailspool.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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