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Re: Follow: Recipe woes

2003-06-01 01:38:22
At 23:28 2003-05-31 -0500, Justin Shore wrote:

I can't figure out a regex way to remove all occurences of "***SPAM***"
from the Subject line.  This happens when I bounce a piece of spam that
SpamAssassin has already marked up to a spamtrap address anymore.  My only
fix is to check for that string twice.  A regex fix for this would be

You don't remove it with a regexp per-se - you'd "capture" the content of the Subject: line and then rewrite the subject header using formail. You could either capture the text before spamassassin is invoked, or you could use a $MATCH construct to match the subject-line text which occurrs after the given blob in the subject.

Along the same lines I can't figure out how to apply that regex to
$SUBJECT that I initially match.  I use it later when I forward mail to
the FTC and NANAS.  Any tips on this that take into account the problem of
multiple ***SPAM*** strings would be gladly accepted.

# Extract subject and assign it to SUBJECT
* ^Subject:[    ]*\/[^  ].*

Uhm, you have the *ORIGINAL* subject, before SpamAssassin got its mitts on it. Surely it might strike you as useful?

        # Clean up the spam by removing the SA headers, Subject change
        # and other misc headers.
        | spamassassin -d \

        | sed -e "s/^Subject: \*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*/Subject:/" \
              -e "s/^Subject: \*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*/Subject:/" \

FTR, you _really_ should keep the continued pipes at an indent level past the intial delivery pipe. All that sed stuff is unnneeded - just revise your formail invocation:

        | $FORMAIL -I ReSent \
                   -I X-Envelope-To: \

                -I "Subject: $SUBJECT" \

                   -I X-Scanned-By:

As in, you've got the original pre-SA subject stored in $SUBJECT, why not put it to good use. This eliminates an unnecessary invocation of sed.

        | sed -e "s/" \
              -e "s/aaa.bbb.ccc.14/555.555.555.555/gi" \
              -e "s/aaa.bbb.ccc.12/555.555.555.555/gi" \
              -e "s/" \
              -e "s/" \

-e "s/((domain1|domain2|domain3)\.com(domain4|domain5)\.net))/"

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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