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2003-06-12 13:39:42
On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 02:42:46PM -0500, Justin Shore wrote:
unfortunately that doesn't tell me why it's matching all this spam.

I was a little curt with you because I've seen you around on this list
long enough now that you ought to have internalized an oft-repeated
plea:  Nobody can really tell what's going on with your matches, or
non-matches, unless you include the relevant lines (meaning the few
lines that matter, not the possibly hundreds that don't) from a verbose
log output, along with the sample it matches (or doesn't match) against.
Otherwise, we're all just spinning our wheels guessing.  We're here
because we like procmail and like helping, when we have time; but that
doesn't mean you should just be dumping a problem in the hands of the
list without bothering to do any prep work yourself to see what's wrong.

Regarding not having the man pages installed, that's, well, just lame,
imho.  Doing a Google for "man procmailrc" (with the quotation marks)
yields "about 1900"[1] results.  I don't know how many are really the
man pages, but the very first hit is, and it's a nicely formatted set.

I read (albeit quickly) your original message, but had no immediate
idea what could be wrong.

[1] I always loved that "about" thing, as in "about 21,493." :)


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