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Re: Serious error!? Procmail supplies filenames in /root as arguments to script

2003-07-14 09:57:35
On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Frode Lillerud wrote:

#### .procmail ####
MESSAGE = `formail -f`

As Sean has already mentioned, it seems odd that you want to put the
entire message into an environment variable and then pass it as a command
line parameter.  For even a moderately large message, there are all sorts
of process limits that you could run into; because MESSAGE is an
environment variable, it's already being passed into the perl script via
$ENV{MESSAGE}, and then you repeat it a second time as $ARGV.

:0fhw: spamwizard.lock
| formail -t -X ""; /www/ $MESSAGE; echo

The problem that's causing the symptom you reported, however, is that you
should almost always put double quotes around variable references:

| formail -X ""; /www/ "$MESSAGE"; echo

Otherwise, as Sean indirectly pointed out, any filename wildcards that
appear in the value of the variable are subject to expansion by the shell;
and worse, command separators and control structures are also interpreted.
So you're effectively allowing anyone to mail a shell programs to you and
have them executed -- and executed as root, if the fact that files in 
/root are being expanded is any indication.

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