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Re: Sendmail, procmail & quotas

2003-08-26 12:45:12
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 10:05:45PM +0300, Brock Rozen wrote:

I'm using procmail as my local mailer, and when a user hits a quota limit
now it returns a "550 5.0.0 <xxx(_at_)xxx(_dot_)com>... Can't create output" 

The procmail man page mentions that it should be returning a "Quota
exceeded while writing "x"" message, although I haven't ever seen this
happen on our systems (and I've seen the former messages happen a lot).

Try making sure your LOGFILE directive is not set anywhere before you
do your bounce. If LOGFILE is set, stderr will be written there first
and sendmail will only get procmail's return code (EX_CANTCREAT):

    From procmail(1):

       On general failure procmail will return EX_CANTCREAT,  un-
       less  option -t is specified, in which case it will return

By not logging at all, stderr will be written back to the MTA,
allowing sendmail to generate a more "true" error bounce.

Scott Wiersdorf

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