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Re: Simple question (unless you're living with no sleep)

2003-09-07 11:55:16
Some time around 9/7/2003 14:30:55, I think I heard Gerald V. Livingston II say:
On Fri, 05 Sep 2003 12:39:39 -0500 (Central Standard Time) "Gerald V. 
Livingston II" <debuser(_at_)sysmatrix(_dot_)net> wrote:
OK, this is getting annoying.

Here is the recipe in its current incarnation:

#PN-G Class of '83
* ^Delivered-To:(_dot_)*pngclassof83(_at_)yahoogroups\(_dot_)com*

        Humm... I'm not a Procmail expert, and I could be
misunderstanding your recipe, but it looks to me that procmail is
ignoring the comparison because it does not have any flags associated
with it and thus looks like an action.  Have you tried:

# NOTE: Only diff is following line:
* ^Delivered-To:(_dot_)*pngclassof83(_at_)yahoogroups\(_dot_)com


:[ DZ vs. THE WORLD]==- -- -  -

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