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why doesn't this recipe work

2003-10-24 14:12:43

I'm missing something obvious here.  I just want to add a line to the
header of email that comes from my pager.  But according to my procmail
log, this rule is never fired.

in my rule file:

:0 f
* ^From: ${PAGERLIST}
| formail -a "X-From-Pager:"

in my logfile:

procmail: Assigning "VERBOSE=on"
procmail: Assigning "PAGERLIST=<cbarnard_cbot(_at_)imcingular(_dot_)com"
procmail: No match on "^From:.${PAGERLIST}"
From cbarnard_cbot(_at_)imcingular(_dot_)com  Fri Oct 24 15:50:04 2003
 Subject: Test

and I get the message and (obviously) does not have the X-From-Pager
header added to the message...

| Christopher L. Barnard         O     When I was a boy I was told that |
| cbarnard(_at_)tsg(_dot_)cbot(_dot_)com         / \    anybody could become 
president.  |
| (312) 347-4901               O---O   Now I'm beginning to believe it. |
|                --Clarence Darrow |
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