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Re: very private e-mail

2003-11-05 09:34:36
Kreemy wrote,

You can also search this list for "PYLM" (Prove you Love me) for
reasons NOT to do this.

In retrospect, I regret having coined that term. It was engendered not so much by the inherent flaws in the challenge-response idea so much by two faults in early implementations. One is not universal any more and the other is actually rare.

The first one was failing to whitelist solicited mail, such as responses to mail one sends or to one's public posts. *Some* C/R systems do accept such mail for a limited time after one sends the solicitation.

The latter was wording the challenge nastily under the assumption that any sending address not already on the whitelist was an invading spammer who should be told to drop dead and burn in hell, rather than realizing that such intruders are the ones who will *not* read the challenge, that anyone actually reading the text of the challenge is either a legitimate sender or a victim of a forgery. Today most challenges take the tone of "my filters don't know you yet, at least not under that address, and spam is just such a big problem that I'm forced to do this whenever mail comes from an unrecognized address."

Challenge-response is still a bad idea, but I'd no longer use as harsh a term as "pylming" for the way it's done nowadays.

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