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Re: attachments

2003-11-05 22:17:31
Sean wrote, as quoted by Lukreme:

        # if dir doesn't _already_ exist, create it.
        * ? test ! -d ${MONTHFOLDER}
                * ! MONTHFOLDER ?? ^^^^
                | mkdir -p $MONTHFOLDER

Well, first, there's no need for the extra level of nesting, and second, the separate test that $MONTHFOLDER is non-null is unnecessary:

 * ? test ! -d ${MONTHFOLDER:-/}
 | mkdir -p $MONTHFOLDER

So Kreemsicle asked,

Didn't we decide that


was better?

If /bin/test is a shell script, or if /bin/test doesn't exist and procmail treats "test" as a SHELLMETA, it's certainly no worse. But if /bin/test is a binary, I'd say no, it's not so good, because it forks a shell even when the directory already exists or when the variable is null or unset.

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