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Re: generic questions

2003-12-08 19:53:22

2)Can procmail help me with weeding out duplicates in this file?  I use it 
for removing duplicates in my normal rc file, but my historical mai have 
all been through this procmail recipe once before.  I normally use this:


The recipe in 'man procmailex' for eliminating duplicates based upon a 
messageid cache should work, although if you're processing a large number

Or you could just feed the duplicates to sa-learn and let it ignore them.
SpamAssassin's database stores the message IDs of any messages it has learned
from and just ignores them if you feed the same message in again.  This is
done intentially so that you can, for example:

        sa-learn --mbox --ham < ~/Mail/inbox

every week or so and it will learn from whatever new messages have been
added to your inbox since the last time you ran it.

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