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Re: Two simple recipes that don't work

2004-02-28 22:37:19
Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:

This should eliminate all HTML messages

  * ^Content-Type: text/html

Check the headers of any messages that you think should have been
caught. The Content-Type:header will no doubt be different.
* ^Content-Type:.*text/html

You need to search the body as well as the header, as most (properly formatted) HTML messages will be multipart/alternative with a text/plain and a text/html part. The header will have multipart/alternative.

[...] I continue to receive these
Viagra emails, about two every 12 hours, the latest of which I've posted

  :0 :
  * B ?? (pr...|c...|p...|viagra)

That reg.exp is far to broad. A dot matches any letter. Or did you
munge it? Better mention if you did.

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Buy Viagra and Cialas Aka "Super Viagra"..The Viagra that last all
weekend!.. and other popular medications. Next-Day Fedex

That body fragment doesn't look like base64-encoded plain-text.
I assume you copied the header and the body in two different ways
into your message to us.

To catch base64-encoded text with non-base64-encoded reg.exps won't
work. Either uncode the body first, or use reg.exps that actually
match what you receive.

Or just send any message with these headers
  Content-Type: text/plain
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
to some color-spam-box, because it
sure is a silly combo.

   * ^Content-Type:.*text/plain
   * ^Content-Transfer-Encoding:.*base64

Andrew Edelstein        -
AIM - strongbow1800
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MSN - strongbow1800(_at_)hotmail(_dot_)com
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