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Warning: spammer targeting this list

2004-04-08 06:40:09


 My apologies for the OT posting, but I have noticed some weird things going
 on in relation to spam rejections here.

 Every couple of days now, I am observing a sharp increase in spam blocked
 on our mail gateway (mailgraph and pflogsumm are a good combination :).
 For an hour or two, the rejection rate goes up by nearly an order of
 magnitude, from several hundred per hour to several thousand per hour.

 The interesting and relevant detail: nearly all of these emails are
 targeting non-existent local addresses. Further analysis shows that
 the target addresses are obviously message-id headers harvested from
 postings I made to this list 1997-2002.

 The connections are coming from literally everywhere: US, South America,
 South East Asia, Europe, and also through our upstream MXs, i.e. there is
 no clear pattern.which makes it really hard to pin down.

procmail mailing list

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