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Re: Piping an email to a script, but it's not executing

2004-04-10 16:08:21
From: JPO <jesso2003(_at_)earthlink(_dot_)net>
I have a simple recipe that pipes certain emails to a perl script,
and then delivers them as usual. According to my procmail log
the script is being executed, but in reality it's not - it's just a
simple test script for now that outputs "hello world" to a text
file but it never happens. Yet when I run the script myself it
works fine. The script is owned by the user receiving the mail
and I chmod'd it 777 just to see if that made any difference. So
I guess my question is, how do I go about determining why the
script isn't being executed? Here's what the log shows ...

Are you running from the command line on the same system where the
mail server runs?  If not, is Perl installed in the same place on
the mail server as it is on the login server?  You are apparently
running the script using #! magic and, if the path to Perl is different
on the two systems, you can get mysterious failures of the sort you

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