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Re: Problem with charset recipe

2004-04-19 09:52:55
Toen wij LuKreme kietelden, kwam er dit uit:

  * B ?? $VAR

searches for "$VAR" in the body.

Where the $ is a newline. 

This is the same:

   * B ?? ^VAR

(maybe unless SHELLMETAS contains V, A or R?)

But ^^ is not the same as $$.


  * var ?? $^^ 

looks for a newline at the end of $var.


  * var ?? ($)($)

looks for two newlines, but since both start and end of 
buffer are putative newlines, a newline at start or end of 
$var will also match. So ($)($) is short for (^^$|($)($)|$^^).

Maybe that the ($)($) there could also be written as $$, 
but $$ also means process-id, so it is more future-proof 
to write it as ($)($).

Grtz, Ruud

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