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[Announcem.] SoftlabsAV 0.6.8 released

2004-04-19 14:46:16
Softlabs AntiVirus 0.6.8 have been released today. As always, that set
of procmail recipes is available at

The ChangeLog is:

 v0.6.8         (2004 04 19)

 + the lower threshold for a mail's size to be tested for an infected mail 
   has been further decreased to 1 KB, since a very tiny virus (a rar'ed 
   'Trojan.Downloader.Small.GY' with a file size of only 994 B) arrived. 

 + Warnings will now be added to the 'X-Virus-Filter' header if: 
     + Executing of 'mimencode' failed
     + an attachment with a '.zip' extension is no valid Zip archive 
     + Executing of 'zipinfo' failed
   That header may look like this: 

X-Virus-Filter: This message passed through     Softlabs AntiVirus 0.6.8
        WARNING: Executing of 'zipinfo' failed - Attached Zip archive may 
contain a virus!

 + the distributed files inside the BZipp'ed Tar archive are now ensured 
   to be saved with Unix line endings, and all have the intended Unix file 


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