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Re: formail failure

2004-04-23 07:06:11
George Chelidze wrote:

David let me thank you for your quick and very helpful response.

You're very welcome, George.

I'd said,

My first guess is that your shell is
barfing over [SPAM]$MATCH but accepting [SPAM] or [WRATH].

and asked what a variation that separated "[SPAM]" from $MATCH would do.

but George reported,

The same result, it failed with the same error and I think it's correct
because leading spaces/tabs in subject won't change anything, will they?

Since you had said that it worked OK with just "[WRATH]" I was allowing that somehow the quoting might not be getting passed to the shell, and the shell might be trying to glob [WRATH] or [SPAM] or [SPAM]$MATCH despite the quotation marks. Apparently not. My remaining guess is that it could be something in your shell's startup file.

In the end, I suggested an end-run around the shell, and George reported,

Yes it's better and it works fine.


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