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Re: Recipe for killing messages with no subject

2004-07-20 07:00:27
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 11:13:39PM +1000, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

Ah - I include two other filters when I institute my procmailrc system
wide- one is called nkvir-rc and the other is html-trap.procmailrc -
both trap crap, but I was under the assumption that they'd take care
of messages with no or blank subject lines; with the amount of spam
that's hit the streets, much of it has no subject line...

My suggestion would be for you not to send the messages straight to
/dev/null.  While it may be true that spam is overrepresented among
messages with no or a missing subject, it is nevertheless true that
many legitimate messages come that way as well.

Btw, I neglected to have a lockfile colon on the recipe I suggested.
The first line should have been



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