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Re: Found solution to AUTORES problem- Any thoughts as to the Whys?

2004-10-04 15:33:56
On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 01:34:28PM -0700, Joey Lyman wrote:

I finally found a solution to getting my autoresponder working.  For
the life of me I can't manage to figure out WHY this method works
while the standard method does not. My best guess from hours of
troubleshooting is that using | or < to pipe or feed info to programs
that are executed with a "|" causes things to fail...

Here is the working code (notice I use no pipes or < in my executed programs):

* !^X-Loop: jlyman(_at_)$PRIMEDOMAIN
    * ? $TEST -f $MAILROOT/jlyman.txt
        | formail -r

Just a comment about your "A" flag: I don't think it's doing anything
useful.  The "A" flag essentially says, "Run me if the previous recipe
conditions succeeded."  Since there were no conditions in the previous
recipe, "A" will always be true.  Otoh, the "a" flag says, "Run me if
the previous recipe succeeded."  That implies piped programs, etc.,
which would exit with an appropriate exit status (only looked at if you
used the "w" or "W" flag, which you did).  So you want the "a"

Even so, I'm not sure what the point of an "a" flag is here, since
you have no "escape hatch" coded in for what will happen if the
recipe *doesn't* succeed.  You'd drop through to the sendmail
recipe below and send something to jlyman; but that something
wouldn't have run "formail -r" and wouldn't have catted the
jlyman.txt file.

        | cat $MAILROOT/jlyman.txt
        | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f jlyman(_at_)$PRIMEDOMAIN

AND here is the code that doesn't work (the code that EVERYONE in the
world uses... notice how output is PIPED through to another program
which should be running):

* !^X-Loop: jlyman(_at_)$PRIMEDOMAIN
| (formail -r -I"Precedence: junk" \
-A"X-Loop: jlyman(_at_)$PRIMEDOMAIN" ; \
cat $MAILROOT/jlyman.txt) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t

Any thoughts are appreciated... I don't want a server that works but has 

Joe, I understand your frustration; but "doesn't work" is just not very
helpful to us who can't see your server.  I would suggest running the code
that doesn't work with verbose logging turned on, and sending a snippet
of relevant log entries to the list.  And tell us what *does* happen
instead of what you wanted to happen.

Frankly, I have had maddening things like this happen to me in the
past.  Probably most of us have.  My method of troubleshooting, if
I don't get any clues from studying the verbose logs, is to back up
and simplify.  Comment out all but the first condition, and see if
*that* recipe works.  Then add the next condition; ditto.  Then add
the first piped command.  Work?  Okay, add the next.  And so on.
Soon you will find out what it is that isn't working.

Another thing to think about: I've had things that looked absolutely
right that didn't work, and after a *long* time of trying to figure out
why and resorting to the above sort of empirical testing, I found -- this
has happened to me at least twice in a decade of procmail use -- that
there was an errant space or tab at the end of some matching code that
I couldn't see.  I've manually re-typed the whole recipe before and
found that the newly typed version worked!


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