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Re: formail error 74 ??

2004-10-22 09:39:40
On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 03:07:38PM +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
Can anyone help me determine why I get an rc=74 from the following:

What is an "rc=74"?  Oh, never mind, I see: Return Code.  (Why use such
cryptic abbreviations?)

formail <mailbox -s formail -cf -X 'X-Spam-Status' ; echo $?

It seems to do I what I asked, except it returns 74.  From the source code: 
74 is an EX_IOERR, which is returned  when 'split' is negative, which only
happens if ' fclose(mystdout)==EOF||errout==EOF '.  It looks like errout is
never used, which leads me to conclude that the fclose of stdout is causing 

Your syntax is causing the problem.  The "<mailbox" goes at the end.

In such a situation, I suggest testing in small code snippets until you
get the whole statement to work.  You only need one formail, btw:

  formail -s -cf -X "X-Spam-Status" < mailbox ; echo $?


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