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Re: OT: Outlook filters to reciepes

2004-12-17 14:27:12
Sean B. Straw wrote:
Mike Peeler wrote:

I think my procmailrc running "demime" on all messages that
apparently need it may have something to do with it.

That's not exactly supporting that the ORIGINAL message wasn't
somehow poor MIME.

Methinks you missed my drift.  I said it was "clean".  It was "empty".

It saves such messages in a zipfile beforehand.  I seldom make
the effort to look at the original.  I'd never see anything from
Michelle if you'd please stop quoting her.

I don't read attachments sent to discussion lists either.  It's
unfortunate that a list which should be plain text has a few users
who insist on sending things as mime attachments instead (which is
how certain mail clients send PGP signed content).

Yes, *as* an attachment.  That's the problem.  Not just *containing* a
PGP signature as a "part".  The signature in effect advises the reader
not to look at the text parts without decoding the signature.  Demime,
since it doesn't do the decoding, is acting properly by not looking at
the sub-parts covered by the signature:

   [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type multipart/signed]

Because my procmailrc calls demime with --quiet, I see nothing at all.


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