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Re: 'Folder: bounced '

2004-12-20 23:27:42
Toen wij Adam Bogacki kietelden, kwam er dit uit:

I've put DROPPRIVS at the top of both
/etc/procmailrc and $HOME/.procmailrc and
tried both

DROPPRIVS is only useful in /etc/procmailrc, 
because in the user's .procmailrc only the 
user's rights count (special circumstances 

When you set an environnment variable in the 
/etc/procmailrc, you don't need to set it again 
in the user's .procmailrc, but sometimes you 
still want to do that, to be (as a user) immune 
for changes at the /etc/procmailrc-level.



These are different. The first (starting with a dot, 
so don't forget to use -a with ls when you look 
for it) is in ~/Mail/, the second in ~/.

You could put a 
  LOG = "$_ u:$LOGNAME h:$HOME m:$MAILDIR$NL" 
early (but after setting LOGFILE) in both .etc/procmailrc 
and ~/.procmailrc, to create some log-output.

Tux:/home/adam# ./
# procdiag v20031105.1723
# procdiag run at Tue Dec 21 16:20:38 EST 2004

# general account information:
USER: root (root)

Also run it as adam.

Grtz, Ruud

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