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Re: Nested recipes... (sorry if this is sent twice.. )

2005-01-23 16:45:59
Glenn Sieb said the following on 1/23/2005 4:26 PM:

Dallman Ross said the following on 1/23/2005 6:53 AM:

  * ^TO_root(_at_)\/(Wingfoot|Databasement)[.]org\>
  * MATCH ?? ^^\/[^.]+
      LOG = "$NL$MATCH Root Mail$NL"


Ok--I put this in.. Love it.. except for one thing.. $MATCH is always wingfoot or databasement, where the folders they were in were originally Wingfoot and Databasement ... is there a way to manipulate $MATCH so I can turn it into always being initial-caps? (I see lots of things were people seem to prefer lowercase, however, I'm not one of them... :-/ ). What would be the best way of doing this? sed (err gsed in my case apparently--damned broken copies of sed)? Something like this, maybe:

* ^TO_root(_at_)\/(Wingfoot|Databasement)[.]org\>
* MATCH ?? ^^\/[^.]+
  WORD=`echo $MATCH | gsed -e "s/\($MATCH\)/\u&/g"`
   LOG = "$NL$WORD Root Mail$NL"

At least, on the commandline, the WORD= line works.. but before I go adding this, I just wanted a Second Pair of Eyes(tm)... or heck, better ideas? :)

$ MATCH=databasement
$ WORD=`echo $MATCH|gsed -e "s/\($MATCH\)/\u&/g"`
$ echo $WORD

Thanks in advance!

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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