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Re: Showing all env vars

2005-04-20 08:56:32
On 4/20/05, David W. Tamkin <dattier(_at_)panix(_dot_)com> wrote:

After reading Dallman's post I was going to say it's the same as


but I honestly believe that Bart's syntax is wrong and mine is right. 

I wouldn't say it was a "syntax" problem, but yes, I remembered about
procmail's heuristic for when to avoid running an intermediate shell
process a few minutes after I'd logged out of gmail, and only just now
logged back in to make a correction.  Thanks for making it for me.

I sometimes think that heuristic has outlived its usefulness. 
Starting an extra shell process isn't as much of a burden on modern
OSs and hardware as it used to be, and modern shells have a lot more
builtin commands that it would be reasonable to expect to work without
having to resort to the muttering of magikal incantations.

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