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Re: ASCII 128-255

2005-05-12 17:05:25
On 12 May 2005, at 15:27 , William Park wrote:
    * -1^1 MATCH ?? [a-zA-Z0-9]
    *  1^1 MATCH ?? [^a-zA-Z0-9]

because that will only work if the majority of the characters are spaces, tabs, EOL, or hibit.

I think you need something more like this:

WS="     " (space tab)

* TEMP ?? [^$NL$WS!-~]

(! is ASCII(33) and ~ is ASCII(126). This will only hit if there are characters in the ranges 0-8, 11-31, or 127-255 (or 0-8, 10-12, 14-31, 127-255, depending on what your systems NL is. but it's usually ASCII(10)).

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