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Re: Renamed bogus "/var/mail/caseym" into "/var/mail/BOGUS.caseym.j8UB"

2006-06-01 16:10:49
Here's the next thing I'd do: I'd take a test-case user and
completely delete (rename, a.k.a. move) his present mailbox.  With
no file there at all, send him a message.  Does it get saved as
expected?  What are the file perms and what is the group?


here is the problem with that, most, probably about 90% of my users are
fine, they are working okay without any problems, but this is only
occuring once every couple of hours ...?

I get her in the morning and I probably have about 8 BOGUS mail boxes.

how do I know what one is going to play up and what one isn't?

this one has just happened

[root(_at_)mail pma]# ls /var/spool/mail/BOGUS.tolln.1CVB -lsa
9156 -rw-------  2 tolln Domain Users 9358568 May 29 09:09
[root(_at_)mail pma]# ls /var/spool/mail/tolln -lsa
9172 -rw-------  1 tolln mail 9372211 Jun  2 08:53 /var/spool/mail/tolln

i've been doing this

cat /var/spool/mail/BOGUS.tolln.1CVB >> /var/spool/mail/tolln
rm /var/spool/mail/BOGUS.tolln.1CVB

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