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Re: FROM_MAILER test discarding legit mail - who's problem?

2007-09-21 08:21:00
On 9/20/07, Steven Narmontas <snarmont(_at_)wnec(_dot_)edu> wrote:
! myaddress(_at_)somewhere(_dot_)com


The FROM_MAILER macro expands to a regular expression that's spelled
out in the procmailrc man page.  Only messages with headers that do
NOT match the FROM_MAILER regular expression are forwarded to
myaddress(_at_)somewhere(_dot_)com   All other messages are discarded.

You're making two mistakes, here.

First, you should almost never discard mail at point of delivery like
that.  Dump it in a file that is rotated daily and discarded after a
few days (I keep such mail for 30 days but that may be too much for
your needs).

Second, you've missed or forgotten that FROM_MAILER is a heuristic:
It's only right most of the time, and it can be wrong in either
"direction", that is, it can fail to catch what it's meant to as well
as catching things it's not meant to.  Further, that heuristic was
devised something like 20 years ago when pretty much the only
automated services on the nascent 'net were email based; the notion
that some other automatic "service" might fire email at you was
probably barely considered, if considered at all.

Is there an RFC or other standard or recommendation that governs the
use of the word 'service' in a From: header?

No, there's not.  If there were a standard for how mailers identify
themselves in email headers, the regular expression for FROM_MAILER
would be a lot simpler.

So you're welcome to ask the web conferencing company to change, but
they're equally welcome to tell you to stuff it.
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