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RE: Append header in undelivered messages

2007-10-18 08:29:54
Xesc Arbona wrote Thursday, October 18, 2007 5:12 PM:

I'm using procmail with Postfix to deliver mail to a third 
party mailserver. I've set the following recipe to avoid 
duplicate mail delivery when sending to distribution lists:

:0 Wh: $PMCACHE/$RECIPIENT.msgid.lock
* ! ^X-Deferred.*
| formail -D 4096 $PMCACHE/$RECIPIENT.idcache

That works fine most of the time, but not when the mailserver 
is down. Messages can't be delivered, so procmail exits with 
code 75 and messages are deferred. However, next time 
procmail tries to deliver, it finds the Message-ID in the 
cache and mark the message as delivered. 

Thus, I would like to append some kind of "X-Deferred" header 

I suggest you use X-Loop.  It's canonical, it's well-documented
(see the procmailex man pages), and the header ought to persist 
in this use.  If you see your X-Loop, you know it's been seen 
by your procmail setup and you can you can skip the cache check.

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