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Re: Adjusting FROM_DAEMON

2009-04-17 18:03:04
On Apr 17, 2009, at 1:46 PM, RGBall wrote:

mark david mcCreary wrote:
I'm running mailing lists with Smartlist, and running into valid emails addresses that get caught by the FROM_DAEMON regexp.

For example, markdavid(_at_)hushmail(_dot_)com, or 

Looks like FROM_DAEMON expands to (^(((Resent-)?(From|Sender)|X- Envelope-From):|>?From )([^>]*[^((_dot_)%(_at_)a-z0-9])?(Post(ma(st(er)?|n)| office)|(send)?Mail(er)?|daemon|mmdf|n?uucp|ops|r(esponse|oot)|(bbs \.)?smtp(error)?|s(erv(ices?|er)|ystem)|A(dmin(istrator)?|MMGR)) (([^).!:a-z0-9][-_a-z0-9]*)?[%@> ][^<)]*(\(.*\).*)?)?$([^>]|$))| ^(((Resent-)?(From|Sender)|X-Envelope-From):|>?From )([^>]*[^((_dot_)%(_at_)a- z0-9])?(LIST(SERV|proc)|NETSERV|bounce|autoanswer|echo|mirror) (([^).!:a-z0-9][-_a-z0-9]*)?[%@> ][^<)]*(\(.*\).*)?)?$([^>]|$)

so my first thought is to tweak this regular expression, and then replace FROM_DAEMON with my new version in the Procmail recipe. That way I won't have to touch the Procmail source code.

If you have any wisdom your want to share on this endeavor, or have tweaked this yourself, I'm all ears.

In the years I ran Smartlist I never had a failure like that (the other way around, yes). What makes you think that this regexp is triggered on those addresses and, if you are going to mess with it, which part of the regexp is matching those addresses?

When I had to get into the guts of Smartlist's rules I spent a fair amount of time adding debugging log output to make very certain I was where I thought I was and why; it paid off more than once.


Thanks for the feedback. I've had complaints about messages disappearing, and when I investigate, it's this recipe that's grabbing them.

TODAY=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %T"`
SENDER=`$formail -rtzx To:`

#  weighted scoring to determine if it's a from a mailer_daemon
#  The E flag executes only if the preceding receipe did not

:0 h
* $$daemon_bias
* -100^0 ^FROM_DAEMON|\
         ^(((Resent-)?(From|Sender)|X-Envelope-From):|>?From )\
)(([^).!:a-z0-9][-_a-z0-9]*)?[%@> ][^<)]*(\(.*\).*)?)?$ ([^>]|$)
* 1^0
{ }

:0 Ehwi : log.lock
| $echo -e "$list\t$TODAY\tSubmit\t$SENDER" >>$mailer_daemon_dropped

And I've run some tests by hand, and the logs say

test-ind-plain  2009-04-16 22:14:34     Submit  
test-ind-plain  2009-04-17 18:08:27     Submit  
test-ind-plain  2009-04-17 18:21:28     Submit  

So it may not be FROM_DAEMON, but something in that rather complicated regexp is snaring the email.

Now which part of the regexp, I do not know at this time. The word mail seems to be the common element at the moment, but I've also had complaints from people with email addresses like administrator(_at_)xyz(_dot_)com(_dot_) I don't have as much sympthay for them, but these other examples it's tough to argue with.

So I think I am close to the spot that needs tweaking, but exactly what to do next is unclear.


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