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Re: Message body, assign to a variable everything except lines starting with "content-" or "--"

2009-11-05 09:14:55
While lots is written about header management, there seems to be less
material on managing the body of a message, which is the dilema I find
myself in.

My goal is to assign to a variable (MIME), everything in the body apart
from the MIME boundary delimiters and content definitions that are
consistently returned from one mail server only.

Sadly, as I recall things, development of procmail mostly predates the
introduction of MIME into the ecosystem.  I've often pondered the addition
of new functionality to handle processing of structured bodies but have not
found a way of expressing the fullness of MIME in a framework that seems
conceptually compatible with "the procmail way".  Basically I think you
need to handle components of lists (of lists) - both for recognition and
for reference - and convenient reference requires new syntax.
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