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Re: MIME headers in Procmail

2011-07-10 11:29:06
And then, since the headerfield names are still there (formail -X would 
have kept them as well, but if you're not calling formail at all in order 
to save the formail and shell calls, they'll certainly be there), you can 
use procmail's internal parsing to extract SUBJ, TO, FROM, or whatever 
other variables you want, and then use them in subsequent conditions.

Hm, this more or less seems to work.  Ugh.

:0 H
SUBJ=| formail -fXsubject -Xfrom |perl -MEncode -ne 'print 

:0 ci
* SUBJ ?? Subject:\/.*
| echo "subject is $MATCH"

:0 ci
* SUBJ ?? From:\/.*
| echo "from is $MATCH"

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