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Re: SPF on slashdot

2003-10-05 20:25:54
In <20031006013443(_dot_)GW14960(_at_)waltman(_dot_)dnsalias(_dot_)org> Walt 
Mankowski <waltman(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com> writes:

SPF's now the lead story on slashdot...

Yep.  For those who want a link, try this:

I've been posting a fair number of replies to try and inform people
about what SPF is and isn't.  So far, it has gotten fairly positive
responses (compared to other /. stories).  The biggest gripe is "but I
*want* to be able to forge email addresses 'cause I send mail from
many random places!"  Yeah, not a big shock there, but a surprising
number of clueful people have replied to the gripes.


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