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Re: what to do upon syntax error?

2003-10-24 18:18:07

I'll introduce concatenation:

   "v=spf1 a"
   "v=spf1 mx"
   "v=spf1 default=deny"

would be equivalent to

   "v=spf1 a mx default=deny"

Now the only remaining question is:

What do we do if we see

   "v=spf1 a mx default=deny default=allow"


Should SPF parsers:
1) declare a syntax error and abort returning unknown?
2) use the first value?
3) use the last value?

An argument against last-value: If it's the result of concatenation, the
order of records is undefined. DNS zones don't have an implied order to
the records at all (and some servers rotate them.  Imagine the
consequences if half of the mail to a domain bounced, according to DNS
caching.  Nightmares.)

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