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Re: [registrars] yahoo announces new anti-spam m easure (fwd)

2003-12-08 12:55:11
On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:

There are severe practical difficulties in trying to compromise such large
nubers of machines and use them for a malicious purpose.

Sure. But _it is has already been done_. 1/3 of all spam _today_ comes
from compromised desktop PCs.

Using outright criminal methods to send spam is only practical for outright
criminal offerings.

As opposed to the remaining 1% of spam arriving in my inbox offering 
_legal_ products and services?

Benjamin Franz

 -----Original Message-----
From:         Benjamin Franz
Sent: Mon Dec 08 08:57:57 2003
To:   spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com
Subject:      Re: [spf-discuss] [registrars] yahoo announces new anti-spam
measure (fwd)

On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Dan Boresjo wrote:

On Monday 08 December 2003 8:25 am, Bill Rockefeller wrote:
Erm, all of this is old hat. There's already a solution that's been 
published. Kills all spam, free for all to implement. No central
registry or 
costs beyond simple implementation at a server level.


Erm, what about forwarding/remailing? They would get the same CPU load as 
spammers if the ultimate receivers are using QYV.

Worse - it simply won't work as advertised. There is an embedded
assumption that the spammers don't have access to enough hardware to
defeat a computational complexity defense.

The assumption is false.

_1/3_ of spam is now sent from hijacked PCs. A tactic sufficient to keep
1, 100 or even 1000 spammer machines at bay will fail completely when
faced with hundreds of thousands to _millions_ of attacking machines.
Spammers can still pump their billions of daily emails out.

Here is an interesting article about 'next generation' spammers moving to 
p2p networks of hijacked machines.



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