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Re: Finest Clueless Impression...

2003-12-10 05:07:12
Mark wrote:
Try the query like this, and see
what you get:

my $query = eval {new Mail::SPF::Query (ip => '', sender =>
'richard(_at_)phase(_dot_)org', helo => 'heifong.phase.org', debug => 1)};

I get a "pass" on that query here, so it should work.

Ah right, it's just me using spfquery wrongly, I suspect. I was trying to do it by hand as I'm *really* rusty on perl.

Again though - what *is* the correct way to use the spquery script in the perl module?

Trying (via perl, as in the README, sort-of):
heifong:~# perl -MMail::SPF::Query -le 'print for Mail::SPF::Query->new(ipv4=>shift, sender=>shift)->result' richard(_at_)phase(_dot_)org

gives me:

Mail::SPF::Query: ->new() requires a "helo" argument.

Mail::SPF::Query::new('Mail::SPF::Query','ipv4',,'sender','richard(_at_)phase(_dot_)org') called at -e line 1
smtp.nildram.co.uk A

Which looks fairly promising to me.

I've revised the record to:
phase.org. IN TXT "v=spf1 +a:sentinel3.phase.org +mx +a:smtp.nildram.co.uk ~all" to avoid nildram's unknowns. It's not '-all' yet until I fix a couple of server issues on newly installed boxes and work out nildram's SMTP internals.

I guess the next steps are:
1) to set my other domains (eg ukcyling.net) up to redirect to phase.org
2) try and write a SPF-checker in PHP (if no such animal exists).
3) get my MTAs to check SPF (Exim 3 - I assume the exim4 script won't work for this?)

Many thanks for your help, Mark


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