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Using SPF with Postfix: documentation needed

2004-01-25 15:48:59
On Sat, Jan 24, 2004 at 02:39:33PM -0500, Thomas H Jones II wrote:
| But I couldn't find the answers either in the SPF FAQ, other 
| documentation, PostFix READMEs or by googling....
| At any rate, I was wanting to make use of the PostFix policy routines 
| you had written. The comment blocks make mention of having read 
| "PostFix's README_FILES/SMTPD_POLICY_README". Unfortunately, my PostFix 
| distribution does not seem to include such a README file. Googling and 
| checking the postfix.org website does not reveal the location of said 
| file, either. Is policy plug-in support part of some CVS branch (i.e., 
| not the released/stable code)?
| I am running PostFix 2.0.16. I noticed that PostFix 2.0.18 is out, now, 
| but did not see mention of policy plug-in support in the release notes 
| for either it or 2.0.17.
| I also have a sendmail 8.12.10 host that I would like to enable the SPF 
| milter on. However, when I was putting together the SPF-related perl 
| modules, it errored out stating I had to have a threading perl installed.
| At any rate, I am genuinely interested in enabling SPF based checks on 
| my inbound MTAs. I've already published SPF records for the domains I 
| run (and registered them). Any help you can give me or specific 
| resources you can point me to would be GREATLY appreciated.

Hmm.  Postfix 2.0.* do not support the policy service.  You need a
development snapshot for that, at least until 2.1 comes out.

We need more documentation.  Who here can write a Postfix how-to for the
Wiki?  If anyone can volunteer to do this, I will send you my SPF policy

Thomas: please subscribe to spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com to 
track this issue.

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