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Re: what about an SPF modifier for C/R policy?

2004-01-26 13:15:35
On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 11:20:11PM +0100, Julian Mehnle wrote:

| Phil Howard [phil-spf-discuss(_at_)ipal(_dot_)net] wrote:
| > Here's my idea.  Have a modifier that would usually be one of "cr=0" or
| > "cr=1", to establish the domain owner's C/R policy on sending
| > confirmation requests back to them (their users).  The semantics would
| > be to store the value in a "cr" variable, and use whatever was last
| > stored whenever a mechanisms validates the sending client.  Then an MX
| > host, to be compliant with this idea, would _never_ send a C/R
| > confirmation request if the last stored "cr" value is 0.
| I think this C/R flag, which is a good idea BTW, is really a separate concept 
from SPF, and should probably reside in a separate TXT record:
|   v=cr1 (no|yes|exists:...)

How would you make it coordinate with SPF so that the policy can be
variant based on SPF tests?  Doing it separate would have to, in some
cases, replicate the entirety of SPF (including all implementations).

Maybe SPF should mean Sender Policy Facility.

| Phil Howard KA9WGN       | http://linuxhomepage.com/      http://ham.org/ |
| (first name) at ipal.net | http://phil.ipal.org/   http://ka9wgn.ham.org/ |

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