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Milter showing 'command rejected'

2004-02-04 01:46:59
On this (my home system) when spf-milter wants to reject an email it
is showing the following line rather than adding the text pointing to
the spf pages at pobox.

milter=spf-milter, action=rcpt, reject=550 5.7.1 Command rejected

On the mail system at work, which is running the same version of all
(I think) relevant programs sendmail (8.12.11), perl (5.8.3, though
this is just threaded, my home system has also enabled 64bit integers
and double precision), Mail::SPF::Query (1.991) and
sendmail-milter-spf (1.30) the reject message contains the correct
pointer to spf.pobox.com/why.

Any pointers as to what I should be looking at on this system to make
it reference pobox.com on the sendmail reject instead of 'command

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