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Re: Version numbers and Unknown mecahanisms

2004-02-09 10:28:03
The issues of version numbers and the "unknown mechanism = unknown result" has cropped up several times on this list. I wanted to give the logic behind these design decisions. I'm sorry if I'm being a little wordy or overly pedantic here, but I want everyone to understand:

-- On Version Numbers --
On Feb 9, 2004, at 12:16 AM, Greg Connor wrote:
I'm going to agree with Julian on this one. The syntax and the protocol are both indicated by the "version" tag "v=spf1". This provides an assurance to anyone choosing to implement it now that their domain won't break mysteriously down the line.
Precisely. This is exactly what we were thinking when we dropped the dotted-version syntax: It doesn't buy much in this context: In what way would 1.2 be compatible with 1.0? Would this be different than the way that 2.0 is or isn't? Would we really have different rules for handling unknown mechanisms if the major number of the record and the client were the same versus different? We didn't think so.

-- On Unknown Mechanisms --
On Feb 9, 2004, at 12:16 AM, Greg Connor wrote:
"Unknown mechanism = error" provides an assurance of stability, at the expense of denying small incremental changes. BUT, what choice do we realistically have? If you receive a mail message and go to look up its SPF record and find "v=spf1 a mx mystery:4C57E6F8 -all" then what is the proper behavior for the unknown mechanism?
Exactly again! Since there is a formal logic to an SPF statement - there is very little choice about what to do with an unknown mechanism that keeps the logic of the SPF statement consistent.

In fact, in the specific case cited, there is no logically correct choice - you must return with unknown when you hit the mystery: If you don't know that the message passes the mystery test, you can't ever give a definite fail. What other option would the domain want? If the domain wants it to fail, then the messages that pass the mystery test are pass on some systems and fail on others - inconsistent and makes the mystery test useless. If the domain wants it to pass, then they have just effectively written "+all" instead of mystery. By having mean unknown, the domain gets messages that only pass the mystery test to be a pass on newer systems and unknown (which isn't as bad as fail) on older ones.

Now it turns out that there is another consistent way to handle unknown mechanisms, but it only helps with contrived records like: "v=spf1 -mystery:4C57E6F8 -a:foo.bar.org mx -all". Basically, in cases where there a mechanism with the same prefix as an immediatly preceeding unknown mechanism, if the message passes it the second test, then you can return a more definite result. When you consider the several return codes, and the logic of the 'thrown' return codes, you might imagine the rather complex function table that results. In fact, I worked out the table, but Meng and I discarded this whole line of thought as being very difficult to describe and justify, especially when it doesn't really add any practical expressive power to SPF.

In particular, there is no practical reason to write
        v=spf1 a mystery:4C57E6F8 mx -all
        v=spf1 a mx mystery:4C57E6F8 -all
and the later can be handled as best as it can be by "unknown mechanism = unknown result" rule.

In cases like
        v=spf1 -mystery:4C57E6F8 -a:foo.bar.org mx -all
or worse
        v=spf1 -mystery:4C57E6F8 +a:ok.foo.bar.org -a:foo.bar.org mx -all
There really isn't much one can do. A more complicated rule would allow parsers that didn't understand mystery to additionally reject a small class of messages, but they would never be able to give a clear positive. And we couldn't come up with real use case for such a thing anyway.

Remember, it isn't that the SPF community cna't come up with more conceptually complete or flexible schemes - it is that we all have to constantly weight the utility of such changes against the complexity it adds to the scheme. If the use cases are only theoretic, then it isn't worth adding.

        - Mark

Mark Lentczner

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