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ANNOUNCE: libsrs v0.2 beta

2004-02-20 20:41:54
libsrs v0.2 beta is available for download from http://libsrs.org

I have changed the status of the project from alpha to beta as it from
what I can tell seems to be doing everything properly.  But don't take
my word for it, please scrutinize the code and report bugs as always.

Sorry there is NO QMAIL patch included, I've buggered something
somewhere and I'm tired, so I'll finish it once I've gotten some sleep.

Lots of banter on the list lately regarding the speed and efficiency of
performing the encoding so hopefully the following results are

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+
RAM: 1GB PC333
OS:   Linux 2.4.22

Test #1:

The following two test results were obtained by executing the test 10
times, each test creating 1000 SHA1 forwards.  The totals were then
averaged.  The MD5 results are merely for comparison, as you can see,
SHA1 isn't that much more expensive.

SHA1 Average 2.678 seconds/1000 emails
MD5 Average 2.253 seconds/1000 emails

Test #2:

10000 SHA1 forwards executed in 23.33 seconds

So lets do some math:
10000*100 = 1000000 forwards
23.33*100 = 2333.20 seconds / 60 seconds = 38.88 minutes

1M SHA1 forwards in 38.88 minutes or
428 SHA1 forwards/second

428*60*60 = 1540800 or 1.54M SHA1 forwards per hour!

Test #3:

Here is the default output from the srs binary:

code3 tools # ./srs -z
SRS Query v0.2 - James Couzens <jcouzens(_at_)obscurity(_dot_)org>
From: (james(_at_)hosta(_dot_)org) to: (james(_at_)hostb(_dot_)org) which 
forwards to:
HOSTA Send: envelope-from:
(james(_at_)hosta(_dot_)org) : 15

HOSTB Rewrite: envelope-from: 
(SRS0=4CBL=FV=hosta(_dot_)org(_at_)?|ÔÌ?-Ã?c?F|ò) : 38

HOSTC Rewrite: envelope-from:
(SRS1=hostb(_dot_)org=4CBL=FV=hosta(_dot_)org(_at_)??¯ÃBI[äÑ>$J%%¢) : 48

HOSTD Rewrite: envelope-from:
(SRS1=hostb(_dot_)org=4CBL=FV=hosta(_dot_)org(_at_)k:Kí$?Y0ftP??_ÍL) : 48

HOSTD Bounce: envelope-from:
(SRS0=4CBL=FV=hosta(_dot_)org(_at_)?|ÔÌ?-Ã?c?F|ò) : 38

HOSTB HMAC VERIFIED : enevelope-from:
(james(_at_)hosta(_dot_)org) : 15

Rewrite executed in 0.0 seconds 



James Couzens,
http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xBD3BF855

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