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Sender Rewriting Scheme and open relays.

2004-02-22 10:09:48
I'm looking at the Feb 12 version of your SRS paper. In §2.7 you pose
the question 'What do we actually _need_ in order to forward a mail back
to B yet make sure A never receives a spam?'

What you don't seem to consider is the possibility of forwarding
unwanted message directly to victim B.

It should be noted that the shortcut scheme _does_ open you up for
relaying, albeit in a limited fashion. If you receive a mail to... 
...then surely you'll send it on to...
...without performing anything but the most basic syntactic checks or
maybe checking the timestamp.

I'm slightly confused as to why we bother with the multi-stage rewriting
at all. Note first the following two observations:

        1. It's pointless rewriting the sender address if your host was
           a permitted sender for that domain _anyway_. 
hence   2. It's pointless rewriting the sender address if the original
           sending domain isn't publishing SPF records.

That being the case, surely it makes sense to use a domain for SRS which
doesn't have SPF records, so that none of your SRS0+.... addresses will
even _need_ a second rewrite, and no global convention is required for
such rewrites.

For example, my implementation (http://www.infradead.org/rpr.html)
rewrites to some localpart @rpr.infradead.org, and there's no need for
anyone else to perform _further_ rewrites on that sender address because
I don't publish SPF records for the rpr.infradead.org domain¹.

In doing so, we avoid the need for multiple rewrites completely, and
hence we also avoid the need for the problematic shortcuts. 


¹Actually I don't publish them for infradead.org yet anyway but I plan
to, as soon I feel as I've given the users sufficient time to object to
the stated plan and/or start using SMTP AUTH.

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