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Re: first class, second class, third class mail

2004-04-06 22:22:47
First class mail should display green.

Second class mail should not get the green light.

Third class mail should be filed very near the spam folder.

That's excellent. My father remarked a year or so ago to me, "You know,
I wouldn't mind spam nearly so much if it was marked third class."

The distinctions are very valid, and we see them in the post-offices of
the real world, too:

        First class are the things addressed to us directly, the bills and
letters and things that make up our primary uses of the mail system.

        Second class are the adverisements, catalogs, newsletters from the
charitable organization we managed to get on the list of, directed to
us, but not really requested.

        Third class are the "postal patron" junk ads, the ones that I toss in
the waste basket as I leave the post office. The only reason we don't
get a box of third class with our first class mixed in is the cost of
sending, which is good because we have to hand sort.

Email is nice because if you can recognize the class of mail, you can
have the computer sort for you, which is what computers are for, right?
