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Re: What is SES? (Was Re: SPF does not break forwarding)

2004-05-20 09:39:00
On Thu, 20 May 2004, Dustin D. Trammell wrote:

On Thu, 2004-05-20 at 11:17, Weldon Whipple wrote:
Would someone clue me in to the meaning of SES? (Actually, just telling me
the words that SES stand for would probably suffice. (Google would do the
rest--but a  URL somewhere would be even better!)

Thanks again for SPF. This week I changed ?all to -all on my domain's SPF
records, and all seems to be working fine. (Last week I implemented
SPF::Milter ...)

SES is essentially doing SRS for all outbound mail:


Yes, I've read that page (as well as the second Linux Journal article that
had a graphic remarkably similar to the one that appears on that page.)

So, to return to my original question:

If SRS stands for Sender Rewriting Scheme, could I venture a guess that
the "E" in SES is for Encryption? (Sender Encryption Scheme, possibly? ...
since the ses: tag seems to introduce a public key of some sort in
examples I've seen ...???)

Weldon Whipple

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