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RE: Microsoft IIS and Exchange Support

2004-05-31 21:34:40
[Michael R. Brumm]

This weekend, I will be releasing a protocol level event sink 
for Windows SMTP/Exchange that is built on libspf-alt, which 
is arguably the best tested and most compliant SPF library. 
It adds headers to non-authenticated incoming SMTP mail and 
supports rejection at the DATA command.

It supports Windows IIS 2000/2003/XP, and Exchange 2000/2003. 
So, I think worrying about Microsoft support (other than for 
MSN and Hotmail) is not relevant.

Thank you, that's excellent! I work with a number of organizations that
use Exchange as their edge server, mostly because it just works for them
and they don't see the need for an extra MTA-only layer.

However, the following additions to SPF could kill my implementation:
- XML (will libspf-alt support this?)

Well, if it's part of the SPF standard, libspf-alt will eventually
support it, right? There are plenty of free XML libraries out there in
any case, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal for the libspf-alt
people to support it. Even if libspf-alt doesn't support it for some
reason, you're writing a windows event sink, you can probably link to
the MSXML DLLs at runtime, which are present on every server that's
Win2k or newer.

- RR types (not supported by Windows DNS API AFAIK)

The MS Platform SDK talks about DNS_MESSAGE_BUFFER being the place
responses are stored until they are passed into the type-specific RR
data structures. Presumably, MS will add new RR data structures as they
are standardized (almost everyhting else seems to be in there), but
until that time, I think you can get at the raw binary message buffer.

BTW, are there any admins who would like to beta test? It's 
fairly stable.

Sign me up...


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