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Re: A hole in planned phishing-prevention?

2004-06-04 09:45:04
On Fri, 2004-06-04 at 07:10, Daniel Taylor wrote:
Andy Bakun wrote:
 > Exactly -- and in light of this, header field verification just ends up
 > being a feel-good security measure.  The real solution is education, and
 > providing the tools to allow users to make more informed decisions.

Don't think of it as a lock, that is foolishness. Think of it as a
way to get the fingerprints of everyone who walks through the door.

Yeah, it isn't going to stop anyone on its own, but it gives
you a tool to decide to stop them, or to help track them down
if they do something wrong.

Personally, I like the idea of doing SPF verification, then
matching the Envelope FROM against the Sender: or From:. With
Spamassassin you could set a rule that causes mismatches to
be tagged as spam, which should be enough of a headsup for
any mail user to look more suspiciously at the message.

Yes, I agree.  SPF verification is one of the tools in an arsenal of
weapons against phishing attacks.  I think the most any tool can do is
help the user make a more informed choice.  But informed choices can
only be made if people are actually willing to be informed and what the
tools mean when they emit a warning.

Andy Bakun <spf(_at_)leave-it-to-grace(_dot_)com>