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Re: Forking SPF into The New SPF and SPF1

2004-06-07 11:30:00
On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 10:47, Jonathan Gardner wrote:


You're missing the point.

Keep in mind these facts:
1. Up until the flag day, SPFv1 stands as is.
2. After the flag day the New SPF will go into effect.
3. The flag day will only occur AFTER all the DNS servers have been updated 
AND all the mail servers have been updated.

Took the words right out of my mouth!

I see the flag day occuring 3 days after never. At least it will be long 
enough that SPFv1 will see enough coverage that it will be effectively 
changing the way email works for the better.


If you are against the New SPF, implement SPFv1 and start convincing others 
to do so as well. If we solve the problem with SPFv1, there will be no need 
for the New SPF, and not enough people will be motivated to implement it. 

Remember that the power is in *our* hands. We determine what standards will 
be used, and how they will be used. eBay, Amazon.com, Microsoft, and AOL do 
not represent the internet. They may be bigger and fatter than any one of 
us, but we are as a whole much larger and stronger than they.

Very key.  Do your best to get everyone you know publishing.  Its not
hard, and the SPF wizard is a dream.  Lets just keep pushing forward.

I'd like to offer apologies to anyone I may have unnecessary alarmed
with my posts of yesterday... it seems to have had the undesired effect
on some of the people on this list.  I was merely attempting to raise
some attention, and it appears to have done some good being that its
helped raise awareness as to what will happen on Flag Day, but perhaps
gone a little too far and implied perhaps an unnecessary level of
urgency.  Thats not to say it isn't important to move swiftly, but
perhaps with a pinch of "mindful step" ;)

Anyone here who is offended and wants to talk away, or Fork or divide,
or whatever, thats not the solution.  If you REALLY dislike the idea of
XML in DNS, amongst other things about SPF2, then the BEST way to
illustrate this is through continued support of SPF1.  The more people
who publish SPF1 the less likely to publish SPF2.  Once people see how
painless it is to publish SPF1, its very unlikely they will give SPF2 a
second thought.  If you throw your hands up and walk away we all loose

Excellent points Jonathan, and rather timely.



James Couzens,
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